St Andrew’s has a growing ministry to those within our parish and beyond. We provide pastoral care, opportunities to explore the Christian faith, and to have some fun! Why not take the opportunity to get involved?

Alpha Course

Alpha is an 11-week course for those wanting to find out more about the Christian faith. We meet together to share food and discuss who Jesus is and why he matters today. We run the course at regular intervals throughout the year. For more details, head over to the Alpha section of the website.

Anna Chaplaincy

Anna Chaplaincy is our dedicated ministry for older people. Joan Doerich is a licensed Anna Chaplain and is available to support those in need of spiritual or physical care. With the help of her growing volunteer team, Joan leads services in our local residential homes, takes home communion, makes regular home visits and runs a monthly coffee morning.

The Bible Course

The Bible Course is an 8-week course to help us all understand Scripture better. Across the weeks, through video talks and discussion, the course brings the Bible to life. The course can be a great follow-on from Alpha. The course is new to St Andrew’s in 2024, and if you would like to get involved, you can find more details on the Bible Course section of the website.

Bible Study Group

Jane Slinger, one of our Licensed Lay Ministers, runs a fortnightly Bible study from her home. The group is always happy to welcome new members who would like to go deeper in their faith as they study the Scriptures together.

Choir and Music Group

St Andrew’s has a strong choral tradition stretching back many years. Today, the choir is led by Katy Bradley, our Music Director, and continues to sing at the 10 am service and special services throughout the year. We have re-introduced a music group to our services. Under Katy’s leadership, the choir and musicians are exploring new and exciting ways of worshipping God through our music. If you would like to know more or get involved with our music, head over to the music section of our website.

Fair Trade and Christian Aid

St Andrew’s is committed to supporting movements for justice in our world. We have a strong partnership with Christian Aid and run regular events and appeals with them. We have a weekly Fair Trade stall during our 10 am service and regular coffee mornings and events throughout the year. If you would like to know more or help with our work for justice, why not get in touch with Cath Greenlees, who has advocated for these causes for many years.

Longton Players

Longton ‘Parish’ Players began in 1992 with a performance of Murder in the Cathedral set in St Andrew’s Church. Since then, the Players have continued to perform numerous plays in their current home of St Andrew’s Community Hall. Church and Players have a strong mutual relationship – and long may the show go on! If you would like to find out more about Longton Players or get involved, you can visit their Facebook Page.

Men’s Breakfast and Ladies Who Lunch

Monthly opportunities to gather for food and friendship. Men’s breakfast meets on Saturday mornings and is organised by John Rimmer. Ladies Who Lunch meets on Thursdays and is organised by Judith Rimmer. Both meet in St Andrew’s Community Hall and would gladly welcome you to join!

Mother’s Union

We have an active and thriving Mother’s Union that meets monthly and holds regular events throughout the year, including a strawberry tea, trips, and a Christmas party. Mother’s Union regularly welcome new members, and you would be more than welcome to join in the fun! Sue Tipping is the current MU Branch Leader and would love to hear from you.


The St Andrew’s Village Pantomime is an institution! Through the years, it has delighted the people of Longton and continues to go from strength to strength. The 2024 performance is Aladdin. All the funds raised by the Panto go to supporting the ministry of St Andrew’s Church. If you would like to know more about the Panto or even act in it, then get in touch with James Miley.

The Prayer Course

The Prayer Course is an 8-week journey through the Lord’s Prayer. It is an introduction or refresher on what prayer is. It is also really practical and aims to help people to develop a vibrant spiritual life of their own. A second course is now being offered that considers unanswered prayer. The Prayer Course is new to St Andrew’s in 2024. If you want to find out more and get involved, go to the Prayer Course section of the website.

Uniformed Groups

St Andrew’s is the ground home of six uniformed groups: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The groups meet weekly in term time either in St Andrew’s Community Hall or at Longton Primary School. The Uniformed Groups come together at various points during the year, most notably for our Remembrance Celebrations. In 2024, we have set the ambitious challenge of rebuilding our Scout Hut so that it can once again become a hub for young people in our community. Details and contacts for each group can be found on the contacts page of the website.